Intro background

Managing Resources Sustainably

What we use, buy, and throw away has impacts well beyond our community. Using natural resources responsibly can help ensure their longevity and also improve our ability to reduce carbon.

Consumption and Climate Change

Earth Overshoot

Look around at all the things you use in a day. Where do they all come from? What kind of materials went into them? What resources were used up in the process of getting the item to you? What happens if you put the item in the garbage versus donating it to a thrift store? These are among the many questions you could be asking related to the impact of using materials and natural resources. As we make decisions on what we buy and what we do when we’re finished with it, we’ll return more things to the beginning of the cycle rather than lose them forever as waste.

Consumption and Climate Change

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Waste

Every time we throw an item away, we miss an opportunity for that item to become something new. But waste also creates GHGs. When organic materials like food and even paper and cardboard go to a landfill, they create methane, a greenhouse gas that is 28 times more potent than CO2.

GHGs from the waste we produce make up 6% of Sunnyvale's inventory. Unlike many solutions that require new technologies to reduce emissions, the power to eliminate waste-related GHGs is in our hands. All we need are simple behavior changes to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost.

Play 4.1: Achieve Zero Waste Goals for Solid Waste

Our Targets

If we hit our targets, by 2030, Sunnyvale will achieve 90% diversion from the landfill. Doing this will require that we generate much less waste and that all discarded materials in Sunnyvale are recovered for their highest and best use, leaving only  minimal materials that need to be disposed of. Learn more about Sunnyvale's waste management at the Recycling and Garbage page.

Play 4.1: Achieve Zero Waste Goals for Solid Waste

Understanding Waste Levels

Waste disposed per person per day is a good way to keep track of how the average resident contributes to the overall amount of waste generated in Sunnyvale. Trends were going in the right direction from 2014 to 2018 but had jumped back to 2014 levels in 2019 and 2021. In 2020, we saw a decrease in the amount of waste produced due to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. However, as of 2022 we saw another decrease in the amount of waste that was steeper than the reduction we saw in 2020.

We can attribute the decrease in waste generated per person per day in Sunnyvale to the implementation of new waste reduction and organics laws, as well as upgraded equipment at the Sunnyvale Materials and Recovery Transfer Station (SMaRT® Station), can attribute to the decrease in waste generated per person per day in Sunnyvale. 

Play 4.1: Achieve Zero Waste Goals for Solid Waste

How to FoodCycle in Sunnyvale

Play 4.1: Achieve Zero Waste Goals for Solid Waste

How We Do It

Separating all the materials in the waste stream to avoid landfilling is a complicated operation handled at the Sunnyvale Materials Recovery and Transfer (SMaRT®) Station. While we have many systems in place to recover as much material as possible out of the waste stream, the more you do at home and at work to clean and separate recyclables and compostable material from other trash, the more material you can move straight to the final destination, saving tax dollars while helping to reach our goals.

Play 4.1: Achieve Zero Waste Goals for Solid Waste

What Are Some Easy Ways to Help Reduce Landfill Waste?

  • Choosing reusable items over single-use, disposable items significantly reduces the amount of waste your household makes. Bring bamboo utensils and reusable mugs when you're on-the-go, use cloth napkins at home instead of paper ones and shop with reusable shopping bags.
  • Refuse items you don't need, like plastic straws in beverages or giveaway freebies you likely won't use.
  • Group your online purchases together to avoid multiple shipments that each come with their own packaging. If available, select options for reduced packaging or shipping in original product boxes. 
  • Look for fruits and vegetables that are unpackaged and use your own produce bags to purchase them.
  • Prevent food waste by planning your meals, shopping smart, and eating leftovers.

Play 4.2: Ensure Resilience of Water Supply

Climate Change and Water Supply

The City of Sunnyvale has three different sources of drinking water supply: treated surface water from the San Francisco Regional Water System (SFRWS) managed by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), treated surface water from the Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water), and local groundwater. Climate change related drought has been straining our water resources. This means that water that is easy to supply today may be less plentiful in the future. Whether water is pumped from local wells or sourced from distant reservoirs, a considerable amount of energy is used to get it to you safely and reliably.

Play 4.3: Enhance Natural Carbon Sequestration Capacity

What is Carbon Sequestration?

When trees grow, they pull CO2 out of the air and convert it into leaves, stems, and wood. A huge amount of the carbon on earth is stored in the trees that once covered nearly all the land in the world. By maximizing the area of trees in Sunnyvale and keeping them in good health, we can help do our part to pull as much carbon out of the air as possible.

Play 4.3: Enhance Natural Carbon Sequestration Capacity

Benefits of the Tree Canopy

The Sunnyvale Urban Forest Management Plan identifies several key benefits of tree cover beyond their ability to store carbon:

  • Trees provide comfort and shade, which can even reduce energy use in nearby buildings
  • Trees reduce smog and other pollutants
  • Trees provide social and health benefits

Play 4.3: Enhance Natural Carbon Sequestration Capacity

Expanding Our Tree Canopy

Currently, Sunnyvale's tree canopy covers 18.4% of the city, with over 231,000 trees in total. This amounts to about 1.5 trees for every resident.

The City of Sunnyvale works hard to maintain and increase its canopy, including approximately 70,000 street trees and another 5,800 trees on public properties. Together, these represent only about 33% of the trees in Sunnyvale - the remainder are on private properties.

A near-term target of increasing the canopy coverage to 20% would require 15,000 trees on residential properties and 14,000 trees on commercial properties. That may seem ambitious, but we can meet that target if only 12% of residents plant one more tree.

Play 4.3: Enhance Natural Carbon Sequestration Capacity

What is Green Stormwater Infrastructure?

Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) uses natural landscaped areas with plants and soils to collect and treat stormwater, allowing it to soak into the ground and be filtered by soil and plant roots. This reduces the quantity of water and pollutants flowing into local creeks and San Francisco Bay. The City adopted its Green Stormwater Infrastructure Plan in 2019 to guide the siting, implementation, tracking, and reporting of GSI projects on private and City-owned land over the next several decades. GSI integrates building and roadway design, complete streets, drainage infrastructure, urban forestry, soil conservation and sustainable landscaping practices to achieve multiple benefits. The City is aiming to increase stormwater from private development land areas totaling 1,069 acres by 2020; 1,519 acres by 2030; and 1,969 acres by 2040. The City is also continuing to add GSI features that provide community benefits in public areas, such as the newly completed Persian Drive and Caribbean Drive projects, which include bioretention rain gardens treating stormwater runoff from roadways and other paved surfaces.

Adapted from the 2015 Portland, OR Climate Action Plan

Play 4.4: Promote Awareness of Sustainable Goods and Services

Resource Consumption and Climate Change

In addition to the overall strain on material resources our consumption choices drive greenhouse gas emissions in the places that produce what we consume. The image here illustrates for many cities in the developed world, the global GHGs from the materials we purchase typically outweigh the ones we can measure here locally. 

Even if these GHGs are harder to count, keeping this fact in mind should help ensure we make better daily choices in what we purchase as well as what we do with items we no longer need.

Be Part of the Solution!!

Resources for Reducing and Recycling

Got something you're not sure what to do with?
Make sure to dispose of hazardous materials properly
Learn more about the items that don't recycle well and avoid purchasing them